Wave App Settings: Handheld Information
This article will teach you more about Wave's Handheld setting.
This page displays current information about your Handheld Settings. Below are the lists of functions you'll find on this page.
This section displays the current version of the app you have. As of date, you should have version 3.2.1.
This section is where you'll find information about the handheld that's currently connected to the app. Should you want to connect your app to a different handheld, please visit this article.
Note: If there's no handheld connected (when the handheld is shut off / no battery / Bluetooth is turned off), both the Power and Mode options will display Disabled
Displays the current battery power left of your handheld device.
This section can control the Scanner Mode's power level.
Region: This is a read-only value, and it picks up the region where your handheld is from (e.g., FCC for US-made handhelds)
Frequency Order: This is another read-only value, and it displays the Frequency Order being used by your handheld device.
Frequency Channel: This displays the current channel (in Mhz) being used by your handheld.
RFID Mode: When this is selected, you are scanning using RFID in the Inventory page. You can adjust the power of the handheld you are currently using. The default value is at 300 (High)
Barcode Mode: This is used whenever you're scanning in a place where radio frequencies are not allowed (e.g., planes). You should see the power system grayed out in this mode
The default value is disabled. Tag Focus is a special mode wherein you use Impinj tags. Toggling this on will make it easier to locate Impinj tags.
BT Firmware, RFID Firmware, IC Firmware, Serial, and Board Version are all read-only values and picks-up the current firmware/version of your handheld. To ensure that you have up-to-date firmware, or should you want to update your firmware, please visit this article.
That is everything you need to know regarding the Handheld Information section of the Settings page.
Should you have further questions, reach out to our support team in this link here.